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Jul 1, 2021

Combining adventure, culture and tradition, even culinary, Reetta Ranta and Antti Huttunen - she passionate about myth and legends, he animator of a very popular travel blog - propose unusual itineraries and trekking accessible to all through Finland. Legend and history mix to take the traveler away from the city and its rhythms, while lakes, forests, dream landscapes remind us how much contact with wild nature and respect for the environment are fundamental especially today.

Saaristomeri, the Sea of the Archipelago

Every night the warm light of the Bengtskär lighthouse flashes on the horizon. But it has not always been there to guide travelers: the storms and cliffs of the Saaristomeri, in fact, have cost the lives of many.

Walk up to the magic oak

Nature is the protagonist of many stories and many miracles happen in nature. Through a hazelnut forest, Reetta and Antti arrive at one of the most beautiful and magical trees in Finland to embrace it and listen to the breath of the Earth.

The treasures of Åland

The Åland Islands have been an important crossroads since ancient times. The sea and the cliffs give them a special character, in a unique balance between rock and vegetation. Reetta and Antti arrive on the islands in early spring, when nature blossoms a month earlier than usual.

When you talk about the devil

Lake Saimaa is the largest in Finland and holds many secrets. Reetta and Antti explore the archipelago dotting the lake's surface, heading for the so-called Devil's Rocks, rock formations that seem to sing with the wind.

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The sacred places of the Sami

Reetta and Antti are in Lapland, where nature fills the heart and eyes with strong emotions. They travel from the sacred island to the Sami to the Lemmenjoki River, which has seen shipwrecked dreams of love and wealth.

Sacred must be respect for the beings that allow us to exist and thrive

- Lorezz The Third.

Around the fire

Reetta and Antti recall the long journey they made. They remember the difficulties they encountered, the people they met.

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